What does it cost to join?
Adult Membership is $50 per concert.  Music cost varies for each concert - usually $15 - $30.  We have a concert in November and one in April, date to be determined, you may join us for one or both.  For more information on our upcoming season, click here.
Student Membership is half price: $25 per concert
When are rehearsals?
We rehearse on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Nazareth Lutheran Church in Cedar Falls. The week of our concert, a dress rehearsal is held at the performance venue.  Usually the day before the concert.
I spend winters out of town, can I still join?
No problem! We have 2 concerts in the year, so you can pick and choose which ones fit your schedule the best. Members should not miss more than 3 rehearsals for each concert.
Do I have to spend a lot of money on a concert dress?
There is no “chorale dress” required to perform. We ask that women wear all black, and they may wear pants, a skirt or dress with black stockings and black shoes. 
Do I have to buy a tuxedo for concerts?
No, a tuxedo is not required. You are welcome to wear one if you would like, or you may wear a black jacket with white button-down shirt, black bow tie, black pants, black socks and shoes.   
What if I have to miss a rehearsal?
That’s OK. We understand things come up. If you need to miss a rehearsal, we ask that you let your section leader know beforehand and also that only 3 rehearsals are missed before each concert. The director must be consulted for permission to sing after more absences.
Are the concerts family friendly?
Yes! We want families of all ages to enjoy the delight and inspiration of choral music! If you do have small children, we welcome you to sit near an exit in case you must step out between songs with your little ones.  
How long are the concerts?
Concerts are generally a total of 60 to 90 minutes in length - often with a short intermission. 
Where are your concerts?
We perform in different locations throughout the Cedar Valley, in a variety of venues. Information on the location of our concerts can be found here
Could the Chorale sing in my hometown?  
If you are interested in having the Chorale perform in your hometown, please contact us! We love to explore new venues and meet fellow choral music lovers in different regions. 
I love to sing but have trouble standing for a long time – am I still welcome to join?
Absolutely! And you won't be alone. You are always welcome to sit for rehearsals, and we can arrange for a chair for performances. 
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